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Showing posts with the label ASD Disorder

Autism from an Autistic and Caregiver’s Perspective | Solh Wellness

Autism Acceptance Month is celebrated in April. Raise autism awareness and understanding throughout the world this month. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a lifelong condition characterised by communication, social interaction, and behavioural difficulties. Because this condition affects people differently, it is critical to understand it from both the autistic and carer perspectives. An Autistic Person's Point of View: Being autistic means seeing the world in a different way than neurotypical people. While some people consider autism to be a disability, many autistic people prefer to think of it as a difference in how they perceive the world. Autism's Difficulties Because of sensory issues, the world can be overwhelming for many autistic people. Loud noises, bright lights, and certain textures can cause pain and discomfort. Individuals may avoid situations where they are exposed to sensory triggers, which can lead to social isolation. Furthermore, autistic people may struggle to un