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Showing posts with the label coping with grief

Healing Through Grief: Taking Care of Your Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  Undoubtedly one of the most terrible experiences in life is losing someone or something you hold dear. We may feel perplexed and adrift, unsure of how to move forward with our life when a key person, vital function, ability, or period of time is abruptly taken away. Grief is a normal process that affects everyone at some point, and it is the strong range of emotions that flood through us during these moments. Grief for some people may feel like a heavy weight on their chest. Some people might experience feelings of emptiness, loneliness, confusion, tiredness, guilt, unbelief, or even anger. It's common for people to experience a combination of these feelings as they deal with the aftermath of a loss, and this variance is quite acceptable. It's critical to understand that everyone experiences grief differently and moves through it at their own time. Although it's common to link sadness with the loss of a loved one, any significant loss that fundamentally impacts your life—