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Showing posts with the label Sustainability and Mental Health

The Intersection of Sustainability and Mental Health: Why It Matters | Solh Wellness

The ability to preserve the natural resources and systems that support life on Earth while ensuring their long-term viability for future generations is referred to as environmental sustainability. In order to preserve biodiversity, protect ecosystems, and reduce the negative environmental effects of human activity, sustainable practises must be implemented. Climate change, pollution, resource depletion, and habitat degradation are all examples of environmental problems. It entails utilising renewable energy, lowering waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and implementing sustainable land use practises. This blog will investigate the crucial link between environmental sustainability and mental health. We'll talk about how our environment affects our mental health and propose environmental changes that can help. In addition, we will emphasise environmentally friendly actions that people can take to promote a healthier environment while also improving their overall well-being. Mental he