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Showing posts with the label Self-Care For Mental Health Professionals

How to Create a Supportive Environment for Mental Health Professionals | Solh Wellness

As is well known, receiving mental health care carries a great deal of stigma. Additionally, there is a widespread stigma attached to mental health practitioners who seek help for their own welfare. This stigma frequently feeds the myth that those in the mental health field ought to know everything and not experience any difficulties.  The Stigma It is frequently unreasonable to expect mental health practitioners to always be strong and resilient. This bias says that seeking help or acknowledging one's own difficulties are indicators of weakness. Additionally, emotional difficulties and anxieties are experienced by mental health workers. In order for providers of mental health services to adequately care for their clients, this stigma creates a barrier that makes it difficult for them to get the assistance they require. It is crucial to break down social barriers in order to get rid of this stigma and create an environment where mental health professionals can prioritise their own