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Post-Traumatic Stress: The Impact on Soldiers' Mental Health | Solh Wellness

The mental health condition Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may develop after a person experiences or is exposed to a severely upsetting event. These occurrences could involve violence, sexual assault, or dangerous situations. PTSD is more likely to affect soldiers because of the nature of their work. Deeply upsetting events that can hasten the formation of PTSD include exposure to battle, losing fellow soldiers, and situations involving the harm of civilians. Some of the PTSD symptoms experienced by soldiers : Reliving the trauma - A trigger can bring up upsetting memories, making the person feel as though they are reliving the painful incident, whether they are awake or asleep. Avoidance - Soldiers frequently avoid circumstances that make them think about their trauma. For instance, some soldiers stay away from crowded or noisy areas. They might also decide not to talk about the incident that harmed them. Negative emotions that persist - People who have PTSD may struggle with