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Showing posts with the label Drug Addiction

Mental Health and Substance Use: Two Sides of the Same Coin | Solh Wellness

There is no doubt that mental health and addiction are related. Since they are commonly connected, one may lead to the other. People who suffer from mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for example, are more likely to use drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication. Additionally, people who battle drug or alcohol addiction are more likely to experience mental health problems. For many reasons, mental health and addiction are closely intertwined. Here are a few examples: Self-Medication: Individuals who are experiencing mental health issues may turn to drugs or alcohol to calm themselves down or to relieve uncomfortable symptoms. Alcohol and narcotics have the ability to mask or momentarily alleviate emotional pain, worry, or melancholy. Self-medication, however, has the potential to begin an addiction and dependence cycle. Dual diagnosis: Many people who struggle with addiction also deal with mental health issues. Dual diagnos

Drug Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Withdrawal Management | Solh Wellness

Drug addiction, often known as substance use disorder, is a chronic illness characterised by compulsive drug use, even when doing so has negative consequences. It is a complex brain condition that affects behaviour, cognition, and daily functioning.  Drug addiction typically includes the following elements: Excessive substance-seeking: A person who seeks substances excessively has a great need to obtain them and use them, frequently prioritising their drug use over other important aspects of their lives. Lack of regulation: Despite being aware of the risks associated with their drug use, the individual finds it difficult to control or limit their use. Physical dependence : Long-term drug usage can cause the body to develop a tolerance to the drug's effects and depend on it for normal function. Symptoms of withdrawal may appear if drug use is abruptly discontinued or reduced. Tolerance: The body may develop accustomed to a drug after frequent use, requiring higher dosages to get th