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Showing posts with the label overcomeperfectionism

Overcoming Perfectionism: Strategies for Managing Self-Expectations and Pressure

  Perfectionism is a personality attribute that is distinguished by being immaculate and flawless. In moderation, perfectionism is frequently regarded as a healthy motivator, but extreme perfectionism may cause stress, which lowers chances of achievement. Determining if our perfectionism is good (adaptive) or harmful (maladaptive) might therefore help us determine whether we are benefiting or harming ourselves.  ADAPTIVE AND MALADAPTIVE PERFECTIONISM: DIFFERENCE Perfectionism that adapts: 1. People who practise adaptive perfectionism hold themselves to high standards while yet striking a good balance. 2. They pay close attention to detail, strive for excellence, and have a strong work ethic. 3. Mistakes aren't seen as reasons for failure or humiliation, but rather as chances for development and learning. 4. Adaptive perfectionists have an authentic desire to better oneself and are motivated by internal motivation. 5. They have good stress management and perspective-keeping skills.