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Showing posts with the label relationship anxiety

4 Most Common Relationship Problems & What to do about it | Solh Wellness

"How to not have problems in a relationship?" is the most common type of question asked by couples in counselling sessions. The concept of a perfect relationship free of disagreements or arguments is flawed. To make a relationship work, a lot of hard work and daily efforts are required. Problems in a relationship are unavoidable, but how individuals deal with them determines the relationship's longevity. The following are some of the most common issues that couples face in their relationships: 1. Financial issues: These issues are one of the most common sources of conflict in a relationship. Money problems can cause conflict in a relationship, whether it's due to different financial resources, differing perspectives on the value of money, or differing spending habits. This is especially true when there is a power imbalance, such as when one partner has more financial means and the other feels indebted to their partner. 2. Loss of Interest: No relationship is easy, an

7 Reasons For A Failed Relationship | Solh Wellness

  Finding the right partner, getting married, starting a family, and spending their later years together are all common goals for life partners. Even so, there are now more divorces and broken up relationships than ever before. Here are some of the most frequent reasons for relationships to end, so you can avoid the mistakes that frequently lead to divorce and breakups. -Loss of Trust: One of the essential elements of a strong relationship is a sense of trust. If the partner is unpredictable or doesn't offer enough emotional support, the person may lose trust in them. Relationships built on the shaky foundation of trust are likely to cause harm to someone. -Lack of Communication: The foundation of a lasting relationship is open communication. Couples who frequently express their frustrations with one another and find solutions together are more likely to stay together than those who never argue. Relationships eventually suffer when people try to avoid conflicts in their relation

7 Signs Your Relationship Is Giving You Anxiety | Solh Wellness

Every relationship has its share of challenges, disagreements, and agreements. However, relationships that are overly tense are unhealthy. There are times when bad things can happen in a relationship, such as a loved one's passing, money problems, or a job loss. Being in a difficult situation while in a relationship does not always mean that it is unhealthy. But when do problematic relationships end and unhealthy ones begin. Throughout a relationship, there are potential red flags and warning signs that could result in an unhealthy situation. We've posted a thorough guide to help you better understand your situation if you're interested in learning about the signs that your relationship is making you uneasy. You consider your words too carefully For a relationship to be healthy, there must be enough communication. However, you can tell that your anxiety level has increased if you feel as though you can't even express what you're thinking or want to say. If you give