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Showing posts with the label Overcoming Self-Comparison

Guiding tips to avoid Self-comparison and enhance personal growth | Solh Wellness

Humans are social animals, which is one of the reasons why it could be challenging to learn how to quit comparing yourself to other people. At every stage of life, we compete with one another for opportunities for a career, an education, fulfilling relationships, and survival. If we aren't careful, our attention may go from ourselves and we may start comparing our own advancement to that of others. Since it is fundamentally human to want to judge oneself against others, this temptation can show up in almost every circumstance. Methods to Avoid Self-Comparison Make a list of your best qualities, such as: It's easier to compare yourself to others when you don't feel good about yourself. It's easy to grossly undersell your own advantages while grossly overstating theirs. To help you avoid engaging in this destructive practise, make a list of your skills and talents, such as having a great sense of style or being an excellent listener. Finding your best habit could boost yo