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Solh Wellness: A Healthier Alternative of Social Media | Solh Wellness

Social media platforms have become an essential component of our everyday lives in the current era of technology. These platforms provide previously unheard-of options for communication and self-expression, allowing us to do everything from sharing our opinions and experiences with the world to interacting with friends and family. The effect of social media on mental health, however, is a complex subject that frequently goes unrecognized beneath the shiny exterior. Although social media promises community and connection, it can also have a negative impact on our mental health. The following are some ways that social media can impact mental health: Comparison Culture: The culture of comparison that social media promotes is one of the most important problems. Users frequently contrast their own life, physical features, and accomplishments with the edited and idealized representations of others they see online. Feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and low self-esteem can result from this co

Self-Care as a Preventive Measure for Mental Health: Ideas and Practices | Solh Wellness

Self-care is essential for preserving psychological wellbeing and avoiding mental health problems. It entails making conscious decisions to enhance your overall health—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Self-care does not equate to selfishness or self-indulgence. In order to remain healthy, you must practice self-care.  As self-care has gained popularity, its meanings have begun to emphasize on one's overall wellbeing and on recognizing and attending to their own needs. Anything you do for you that feels nutritious is considered self-care. Taking care of oneself involves regularly assessing physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. People practice self-care for various reasons, such as coping with distressing news or maintaining daily happiness. Self-care is unique to each individual, as people adopt different practices, and their definition of self-care may evolve over time. Types of Self-care There are various types of self care that can be divided into a few different types

The Self Help Tools of Solh Wellness | Solh Wellness

  What exactly are self-help tools? Self-help tools are resources that can help people improve their mental health without the need for professional help. These tools can be used by individuals to improve their mental health and address a variety of issues. Individuals can use self-help tools to participate in their mental health journey and cultivate positive change. People can learn valuable coping skills, gain insights into their emotions, and foster a sense of self-empowerment by incorporating these tools into their daily lives. We provide the following self-help tools: Self-Assessment - This tool contains a variety of self-assessment tests to assist you in keeping track of your emotions in various aspects of your life. These are similar to tests and surveys used to help people gain insight into their thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and overall mental well-being. These assessments can help people understand their personality traits, strengths, areas for improvement, and potential

Nurturing Mental Health: The Hidden Battle of Young Entrepreneurs | Solh Wellness

Entrepreneurship is frequently portrayed as an exciting journey filled with innovation and success. However, behind the scenes, entrepreneurs face unique challenges that have an impact on their mental health. In this blog, we will look at the various mental health issues that entrepreneurs face and offer strategies to help them prioritise self-care and maintain a healthier approach to their mental health. Entrepreneurs face mental health issues. Anxiety can be exacerbated by the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship, as well as financial pressures and critical decision-making. Young entrepreneurs may also experience anxiety disorders due to their fear of failure and perfectionism.  Depression: The stressful, long-hours, and isolating nature of entrepreneurship can increase the risk of depression among entrepreneurs . Overwhelming feelings, self-doubt, and unmet goals can all contribute to depressive symptoms. Burnout: The never-ending pursuit of success without adequate self-care can lead

Psychological Capital: Working towards your Mental Wellbeing | Solh Wellness

Our ability to successfully handle difficult situations and get past barriers that affect our mental health is referred to as psychological capital. It refers to the abilities and assets we have for preserving and advancing our mental health. When people can maintain their mental health, their psychological capital is regarded as high. In other words, a person's psychological Capital grows as they become more resilient and capable of handling stress and adversity. To lay a strong psychological capital foundation, it is essential to cultivate and nurture our mental well-being. The Value of Psychological Resources For people to be happy and healthy, they need psychological capital, or PsyCap. PsyCap has several advantages, including: Personal happiness, success, and fulfilment depend on building psychological capital . It improves resilience, enabling people to deal with difficulties, setbacks, and adversity more skillfully. Building resilience, self-efficacy, hope, and optimism fost

A Guide to Creating a Self-Care Routine for Mothers | Solh Wellness

Being a mother is a joyful experience, but it can also be stressful owing to the numerous obligations that come with it. Mothers frequently find themselves juggling various duties, such as carer, breadwinner, and household manager, with little time for self-care. On the other hand, prioritizing self-care is critical for moms to manage stress and maintain good physical and mental health. This blog will highlight the significance of self-care for mothers and provide a step-by-step guide to developing a self-care practice. Sources of Stress for Mothers Mothers face a variety of stressors that can affect their mental and physical health. These stressors include parenting responsibilities, financial pressures, work-related stress, relationship issues, health concerns, and societal pressures. These stressors can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, mothers must recognize and address the sources of stress in their lives and seek support from partners, family members, friends,

How mothers can incorporate Mindfulness into their Daily Routine | Solh Wellness

Mindfulness is a practise that allows people to think more clearly and be more attentive in the present moment. Mindfulness involves paying attention to one's thoughts and surroundings without becoming distracted. Mindfulness has been shown to help reduce the effects of common mental health disorders such as stress, anxiety, and hypertension.  Making time for meditation Practising mindfulness can be difficult for women because there are many barriers to following the routine in their hectic day-to-day lives. A mother can practise mindfulness in a variety of ways, including: Find small moments throughout the day to practise mindfulness, even if only for a few minutes. Find small pockets of time throughout the day to practise mindfulness, even if it is only for a few minutes. Make mindfulness a priority by incorporating it into your morning or evening routine. Use transitional moments, such as waiting in queue or switching between tasks, to practise mindfulness. Incorporate mindfulne