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Showing posts with the label stigma around masculinity

Taboos Associated with Men's Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Because of the recent increase in understanding and conversation around mental health, people are being urged to ask for help and be open about their problems. Men continue to confront unique challenges despite considerable progress in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. Despite the fact that the public dialogue on mental health has changed substantially over the past ten years, there is still a noticeable gap between men and mental health. The problem goes much beyond the idea that men don't want to express their emotions; stigma, male stereotypes, and societal issues have a significant negative impact on how men perceive, manage, and treat their mental health. The societal expectations and presumptions about men are typically the source of these taboos. It is crucial to raise awareness, address these taboos, and advance a more understanding and sensitive viewpoint on men's mental health. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at a few of these taboos and talk a