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Showing posts with the label Bullying and Mental Health

Bullying and Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects people of all ages and can have serious negative effects on mental health. It entails repeatedly acting aggressively towards someone who might be viewed as being inferior or different by an individual or group. Bullying frequently occurs in areas including schools, companies, neighbourhoods, and online forums, making it challenging for victims to avoid its negative effects. Types of Bullying Physical bullying: Physical bullying involves physical acts of assault, such as kicking, punching, or forcing someone. Such bullying is simple to recognize. Physical injury, injuries, and long-term health problems could result from it. Verbal Bullying: Making fun of someone or spreading unfounded rumors is considered verbal assault, also referred to as verbal bullying. This kind of bullying can have the same negative effects as physical bullying by causing emotional distress, embarrassment, and low self-esteem. Social bullying: Social bullying, also known