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Showing posts with the label panic attack treatment

Insights and Tips for Managing Panic Attacks | Solh Wellness

An abrupt, unplanned episode of intense fear or discomfort is known as a panic attack. A racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, perspiration, trembling, tightness in the chest, confusion, and a sensation of impending doom are some symptoms. It may come off as overwhelming. When experiencing a panic attack, people may also fear losing control or going crazy. These anxious bouts might last anything from a few minutes to an hour. It's important to keep in mind that panic episodes can still be terrifying and have a big impact on a person's daily life, even though they rarely pose a life-threatening threat. For efficient coping and support, having a collection of ready-to-use tips to manage panic attacks is essential: Keep in mind that panic attacks are transient and eventually go away. Recognise that this is a focused time of concern that will pass. To assist you regain control during a panic attack, practise deep breathing exercises. Breathing slowly and deeply helps reduce fast b