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Showing posts with the label Gender Gap

Addressing the Gender Gap in Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  We frequently hear about gender differences and their effects on both men and women's lives. Inequality in education, opportunities, and financial gain is widely debated in society. Men and women are socially constructed to have different duties and responsibilities, status, and levels of power, which manifests itself in differences in mental health. There is not only a gender gap in mental health , but also in the use of mental health improvement services. Males are less likely than females to seek professional help for mental health issues. Mental Health: Differences in Gender Teenagers : Females are more likely than males to experience depression and other disorders during their adolescent years. Males, on the other hand, are more likely to have anger issues and engage in risky behaviours during their adolescent years. Adolescent girls are more likely than young boys to exhibit inwardly focused symptoms. Adulthood : Depression and anxiety are much more common in women than in