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Showing posts with the label work-life balance

The Role of Employers in Promoting Mental Wellness in the Workplace | Solh Wellness

Employers have a duty to place a high priority on mental health in the same way that they do physical health, and they can help to promote mental health at work. By creating a welcoming and understanding environment, employers may enable employees to succeed in both their professional and personal lives. Employers can promote mental health in the workplace through a variety of strategies, such as:  Creating a welcoming workplace where staff members may talk openly about their mental health issues without being afraid of discrimination or hostility.  Facilitating quick and simple access for employees to resources that can help them maintain their mental health, such as counselling, mindfulness apps, or other services.  Encouraging staff to develop healthy routines, such as frequent exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction methods.  Putting together a unique flexible work plan for each employee, which can allow for possibilities like remote work, lunch breaks, or a range of hours