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Showing posts with the label Alzheimer

Living with Alzheimer's: How it affects the Mental Health of Caregivers | Solh Wellness

  Living with Alzheimer's disease not only impacts the individuals diagnosed but also has far-reaching effects on their families. As the disease progresses, patients experience memory loss, confusion, behavioral changes, and difficulty recognizing loved ones. This can be emotionally challenging for family members. Family caregivers play a crucial role in providing Alzheimer's care, but it often brings about significant lifestyle changes and affects their emotional well-being.  Common Symptoms of Alzheimer Alzheimer's disease gradually impairs cognitive functions, leading to memory loss, confusion, decision-making difficulties, mood swings, language problems, and difficulty recognizing familiar individuals and places. As the disease advances, patients may struggle to remember close family members, which can be distressing for the entire family. The Role of Family Caregivers and how it impacts their mental health Family caregivers play a vital role in the comprehensive care o