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Showing posts with the label Body Image issues in youth

Nurturing self-esteem and fostering healthy body image in today’s youth | Solh Wellness

Self-esteem and body image problems are more common among young people in the present digital era. Many teenagers and young adults experience self-worth issues as a result of the continual exposure to idealised and inaccurate portrayals of beauty. This article explores the difficulties these young people experience, potential impacts on their mental health, and offers helpful suggestions for dealing with these problems and offering support. The struggles faced by today’s youth: Misleading Beauty Standards: In an effort to instill false expectations in young people, the media frequently presents pictures of the "perfect" body. Social media impact: When young people compare themselves to photographs that have been manipulated and filtered, apps like Instagram and Snapchat encourage a culture of comparison that lowers self-esteem. Peer pressure: Young individuals may feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied with their appearance as a result of criticism and expectations that homogeni