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Showing posts with the label Women Mental Health

Caregiver’s Guide: For Mothers | Solh Wellness

Mothers do a lot of housework, including caring for children and elderly relatives. This is already a demanding job, and when combined with a career, it can become overwhelming, especially if that role involves caring for other people's families. Working mothers must prioritise their mental health in order to avoid burnout and stress. How can mother caregivers care for their mental health? Self-care is critical for mental health. Mothers who are carers should always prioritise their own needs. Mothers can help themselves in a variety of ways, including:  Caregivers must take rest and recharge breaks on a regular basis. Even a brief respite can help relieve stress and prevent burnout. Caregivers should prioritise self-care by doing things they enjoy, getting enough sleep, and eating a nutritious diet. Caregivers should not be afraid to seek help from family, friends, or professionals such as therapists or counsellors. Carers can benefit from support groups as well. Meditation, yoga,

PMS vs. PMDD: How Are They Different? | Solh Wellness

  PMS and PMDD are two conditions that have an impact on women's mental and physical health in the days leading up to menstruation. Despite some symptom similarities, they are distinct conditions with distinct diagnostic criteria and treatment approaches. We'll look at the differences between PMS and PMDD, as well as the symptoms and treatments available, in this blog. What Exactly Is PMS? PMS is a disorder that affects women in the days or weeks leading up to their menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms vary from woman to woman, but they all include mood swings, irritability, fatigue, bloating, and breast tenderness. Women are also prone to headaches, backaches, and digestive issues. PMS is a common condition that affects approximately three out of every four menstruating women. These symptoms are usually mild and do not interfere with daily activities. However, PMS can be severe for some women and have a negative impact on their quality of life. What Exactly Is PMDD? Premenstrual dysp