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Psychological Capital: Working towards your Mental Wellbeing | Solh Wellness

Our ability to successfully handle difficult situations and get past barriers that affect our mental health is referred to as psychological capital. It refers to the abilities and assets we have for preserving and advancing our mental health. When people can maintain their mental health, their psychological capital is regarded as high. In other words, a person's psychological Capital grows as they become more resilient and capable of handling stress and adversity. To lay a strong psychological capital foundation, it is essential to cultivate and nurture our mental well-being. The Value of Psychological Resources For people to be happy and healthy, they need psychological capital, or PsyCap. PsyCap has several advantages, including: Personal happiness, success, and fulfilment depend on building psychological capital . It improves resilience, enabling people to deal with difficulties, setbacks, and adversity more skillfully. Building resilience, self-efficacy, hope, and optimism fost