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Showing posts with the label virtual friendships

Virtual vs. "Real Life" Friendships | Solh Wellness

Friendship is a close, reciprocal connection characterized by consideration, respect, caring, and occasionally affection between two or more people. From childhood through adulthood, it is essential to our happiness and mental health.  Friendships today can take many different forms, most notably through social media relationships. Online and offline businesses have some similarities despite differences. Online friendships, formed on sites like social networks and the internet, are not as emotionally rich as offline relationships. Nevertheless, some contend that they can be equally significant and uplifting. Furthermore, the simplicity of establishing internet contacts is frequently emphasized, particularly among teenagers and students. According to research, online communication frequently follows in-person interactions, hastening the initial bonding process. In essence, friendship includes friendly, considerate interactions. These relationships, whether physical or virtual, have a tr