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Showing posts with the label benefits of reading

How Reading & Writing helps Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Reading and writing have been shown to have a variety of mental health benefits, ranging from stress reduction to improved cognitive function. Individuals can use these activities to process their emotions, express themselves, and gain new perspectives. In this blog, we will look at how reading and writing can help with mental health. How Does Reading Affect Mental Health? Reading has been shown to relax the brain and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Reading, according to University of Sussex research, can reduce stress levels by up to 68%. This is due to the fact that reading allows people to escape their current reality and immerse themselves in a different world, which can provide a much-needed break from daily stressors. Reading can also increase empathy and understanding of others. Readers can better understand diverse perspectives by reading stories about different people's experiences, which can improve their communication and social skills. It has been demonstrated that re