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Showing posts with the label setting boundaries

Boundaries: "YES" OR "NO" | Solh Wellness

Boundaries, in the broadest sense, define a space within which you feel you belong. Such belonging also brings a nest of safety that we may nuzzle into anytime we need it. It applies to a small group, a community, and even to ourselves. Individuals create boundaries for themselves in order to gain control over their lives. They create limitations in order to develop their identity and, second, to protect themselves. Despite the fact that "boundary" appears to be a restricting concept, establishing them provides us with a sense of freedom. Setting boundaries allows you to have your own space and not get sucked into the next one. It may appear as keeping yourself out of specific settings, entirely excluding other people from situations in your life, or limiting people's ability to enter your space. Why boundaries? Many people work so hard to be empathetic and charitable that they lose sight of their own limitations. As a result, the ability to set clear boundaries is critic