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5 Ways Parents Can Assist Their Children in Overcoming Exam Stress | Solh Wellness

  Growing competition and the stress that comes with it are not new in today's world. However, the consequences of this competition can be seen in the next generation at a very young age. Long-term stress from exams and academic activities may be a precipitating factor in an individual's anxiety and depression. There are ways for parents to learn the signs of Exam Stress in their children and how to help them overcome it. Exam Stress Symptoms Specific changes in habits may be a sign in a child that a parent can notice if their child is under exam stress. Feeling tense Having headaches and stomach pains Not sleeping well Being irritated Decrease or increase in appetite  Not enjoying activities that are previously enjoyed Being negative and having a low mood Feeling hopeless about the future Here are 5 tips to assist your child in dealing with exam stress: Getting Adequate Sleep Adequate sleep improves focus and thinking. Teenagers typically need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night.