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Showing posts with the label Symptoms Of Suicidal Behavior

Catching Early Signs And Symptoms Of Suicidal Behavior | Solh Wellness

  Despite being a serious and alarming problem, suicide is not a mental illness. It rather represents the agonizing and occasionally disastrous effects of incorrectly managing or treating mental illnesses. Bipolar disorder, severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders are just a few of the many underlying conditions that can be present. We'll talk about the early warning signs and symptoms of suicidal behavior in this session, along with the safety precautions a caregiver can take. Suicide Warning Signs: Early intervention and help depend on being able to spot suicide warning signs . These warning indicators include a variety of behavioral and emotional changes, such as: Persistent Emotional Distress: Long-lasting, severe depression, mood swings, or sudden fits of rage may be signs of underlying emotional turmoil. For instance, a person who is typically upbeat could develop a prolonged depression. Overwhelming pessimism: A severe sense of pessimi