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Strategies for promoting a Healthy Self-Image and Body Positivity | Solh Wellness

Self-image is how we see ourselves, also known as our internal dictionary. It describes our strengths and weaknesses and helps collectively represent our characteristics. Forming of self-image is a product of learning, influenced by early childhood experiences such as parents and caregivers. Self-image is a kind of mirror, that reflects back to us an image of ourselves, our experiences with others, and the relationship that we form. The images that we see in the mirror may be real or distorted, thus developing either a positive or a negative self-image. With a positive self-image, one recognizes and owns their strengths while being realistic about one's weaknesses as well , while with a negative self-image, one focuses on one's faults and weaknesses, distorting individuals' failures and imperfections. Strategies to Build a Positive self-image The formation of self-image is not permanently fixed; it keeps on changing. There are some of the steps to develop a positive self-im