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Showing posts with the label mental health treatment

Debunking 7 Common Myths About Therapy | Solh Wellness

  The critical need for mental health awareness stems from the fact that each year, 13% of children, 46% of teenagers, and 19% of adults have mental diseases. People in your own family, your neighbors, classmates, professors, or coworkers in the cubicle next to you might be going through these difficulties. Tragically, barely half of those affected actively seek help, frequently because mental health still has a stigma. These problems, if untreated, can lead to higher medical costs, worse academic and professional performance, less employment possibilities, and a higher risk of suicide. Even though therapy has been shown to be a successful method for treating mental health problems, there are still misconceptions about it. In this article, we'll refute some of the myths about therapy that are most commonly held while highlighting its advantages and practical applications. . The following are some widespread misconceptions about mental health therapy: Myth 1: Therapy is Only for &qu

Misconceptions about Mental Health | Solh Wellness

For a very long time, people have been embarrassed to talk about their challenges with mental diseases and mental health problems or to ask for treatment. Many myths and misconceptions about mental diseases have spread as a result of exaggerated media portrayal. Despite significant progress in the fight against stigma, there are still many widely held myths about mental illnesses that could prevent people from getting the assistance they require. These untrue assertions might be harmful in a number of different ways. Because they are terrified of being criticised, they promote erroneous views that discourage individuals from seeking help. Because they have unrealistic expectations about the kind of therapy they will receive, some people may decide not to seek therapy, which would force them to suffer in silence and possibly make their problems worse. Let's debunk some of these common mental health misconceptions : Myth 1: Mental illnesses are not frequently found ailments. Contrary

Overcoming Barriers To Seeking Therapy | Solh Wellness

In today's hectic, demanding world, receiving therapy is becoming an increasingly important component of maintaining mental and emotional health. However, there are still a number of obstacles standing in the way of people getting the assistance they require. Many of these obstacles are caused by widespread misunderstandings about treatment.  In order to promote a more welcoming and supportive environment for seeking therapy, we'll examine some of the most widespread myths about therapy in this blog article and discuss how to debunk them. Misconception 1: Therapy is only for people with severe mental illness. One of the most pervasive myths about therapy is that only people with severe mental problems should use it. But not everyone who needs counselling has a serious ailment. Therapy may be helpful for anyone looking to improve themselves or who is dealing with stress, relationships, sorrow, or low self-esteem. No matter how challenging the circumstance, it is a helpful tool