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Showing posts with the label Mental Health App

Solh Wellness: A Healthier Alternative of Social Media | Solh Wellness

Social media platforms have become an essential component of our everyday lives in the current era of technology. These platforms provide previously unheard-of options for communication and self-expression, allowing us to do everything from sharing our opinions and experiences with the world to interacting with friends and family. The effect of social media on mental health, however, is a complex subject that frequently goes unrecognized beneath the shiny exterior. Although social media promises community and connection, it can also have a negative impact on our mental health. The following are some ways that social media can impact mental health: Comparison Culture: The culture of comparison that social media promotes is one of the most important problems. Users frequently contrast their own life, physical features, and accomplishments with the edited and idealized representations of others they see online. Feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and low self-esteem can result from this co

Promoting Mental Health in Rural Communities | Solh Wellness

Many parts of our country regard mental health education as a taboo subject, which can make people feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help. This is especially true in rural areas where primary education and awareness are scarce. As a result, it can be extremely difficult for people in these communities to gain proper knowledge and understanding of mental health. Why is there a mental health knowledge gap in rural areas? Multiple factors influence the reach of mental health knowledge in rural areas . Lack of awareness and communication channels are two of these factors. As a result, residents of these areas may lack access to critical mental health information, resulting in misunderstandings and misconceptions. Among these elements are: Due to a shortage of mental health professionals and resources, limited access to mental health services is a common issue in rural areas. Mental health stigma is prevalent in rural communities, contributing to underdiagnosis and undertreatment. Rural m

Advantages of Digital Mental Health Care | Solh Wellness

The concept of digital mental health care began with the goal of providing individuals in need with the best mental health solutions that are easily accessible. Along with online therapy, which facilitates communication between doctors and patients, digital mental health care focuses on programmes such as online support groups, emergency helplines, and individual progress tracking. People nowadays prefer digital mental health care over traditional mental health care for good reason. A boon for rural and remote areas People in rural areas can access online therapy sessions through Digital Mental Care. Individuals living in rural or remote areas may find it difficult to access professional mental health solutions, and there is also a social stigma associated with mental health issues. With a stable internet connection, people can access mental health care tools and book online therapy sessions with experts. Accessibility for the specially-abled Online treatment is a good substitute for