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Showing posts with the label Parental Communication

Parental Communication with Children about Sexuality | Solh Wellness

Talking about sexual matters is taboo, especially in Indian culture. Sexual and physical health should be treated equally in daily life. Nowadays, kids use the internet so regularly that it's normal for parents to be oblivious of the content their kids are accessing. Parents must be open and honest with their children regarding sexual concerns, just as they are with other concerns, in order to provide their kids the self-assurance to convey their needs to their parents. Significance of Parent-child Communication For the following reasons, parental discussion of sex with children is crucial for a child's sexual development: Parents are their children's first teachers because at home, where they can see and interact with their families, youngsters learn the most. Parents have a responsibility to guide their children with age-appropriate sources of information because children rely on them for information about their environment. As a result, good communication between parents