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Showing posts with the label eating disorder

Benefits of Mindful Eating | Solh Wellness

  One aspect of mindfulness practice is mindful eating, a meditation technique designed to increase awareness of one's current thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. According to studies, eating disorders, anxiety, and other mental health concerns can all benefit from practicing mindfulness meditation. The core of mindful eating entails purposefully slowing down the speed of mealtime and paying complete attention to one's own nourishment. By substituting deliberate choices for automatic actions, this approach tries to recover control over eating habits and reduce mindless snacking. How to eat mindfully: Pause and Assess Hunger: Take a moment to evaluate how hungry you are before you start eating. Engage the Senses: Consider the smells, sounds, and textures of your food while you prepare it, such as the rhythmic chopping of vegetables or the rustling of the packing. Serve Mindfully: In order to satisfy your body's needs without going overboard, provide a portion of fo

Bulimia Nervosa - Symptoms & Treatment | Solh Wellness

  As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone's daily routine has changed. As a result of stay-at-home directives and quarantine recommendations taking centre stage, the majority of the population abruptly began working from home. And at the time, a term that drew a lot of attention was Bulimia Nervosa. People from all walks of life are affected by behavioural health disorders. Similarly, Bulimia Nervosa, like mental health illnesses, does not discriminate based on race, colour, gender, or identity. Bulimia Nervosa is a serious and sometimes fatal mental health illness that includes disordered eating behaviours. Bulimics use binge eating and other weight-controlling behaviours as a coping mechanism (compensatory behaviors, like purging). These actions are influenced to some extent by having a negative body image or being overly concerned with weight. People with bulimia, like those with other eating disorders, frequently conceal their illness due to feelings of shame or guilt ab

Anorexia Nervosa - Symptoms & Causes | Solh Wellness

A potentially fatal eating disorder in which a person restricts their food intake. Individuals with anorexia frequently experience fear of being overweight, societal pressure, or depression. Anorexia typically begins in women around the age of 15, but it can affect anyone. Anorexia affects nearly 4% of women and 0.3% of men worldwide. Anorexia symptoms include: Specific behavioural indicators of anorexia include refusing to eat in front of others, engaging in excessive exercise to burn calories, and hiding their bodies in baggy clothing. Some people even develop eating rituals, such as slicing their food into tiny pieces or rearranging the food on their plate to appear to have consumed more than they have. A person suffering from this disorder may also exhibit the following symptoms: Dizziness and faintness Extreme exhaustion (fatigue) Eating extremely restricted Anxiety about gaining weight Period loss or failure to initiate a menstrual cycle Body fat and muscle loss or fluctuation Ci

Eating Disorder: A Threat To Life | Solh Wellness

Unconsciously, we frequently engage in unhealthy behaviours like emotional and binge eating. Sometimes we become so enmeshed in this cycle of anxiety and binge-eating that we lose sight of such unhealthy routines. Not to mention the enormous harm these communities that idolise thinness and enforce diets have inflicted upon us. These traditional notions of beauty can occasionally push people to engage in risky behaviours in an effort to obtain a certain body type. The majority of people lose sight of all the harmful effects of binge eating and the obsession with achieving a certain body type. This necessitates a pressing need to comprehend the fundamentals and in-depth familiarity with unhealthy eating patterns and eating disorders. What if you believe that the cause of your eating disorder is simply a strict diet or binge-eating episodes? Uncontrollable eating behaviours that are detrimental to your health, emotions, and capacity to carry out daily tasks are the root cause of eating di