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Showing posts with the label Mental Health Platform

Promoting Mental Health in Rural Communities | Solh Wellness

Many parts of our country regard mental health education as a taboo subject, which can make people feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help. This is especially true in rural areas where primary education and awareness are scarce. As a result, it can be extremely difficult for people in these communities to gain proper knowledge and understanding of mental health. Why is there a mental health knowledge gap in rural areas? Multiple factors influence the reach of mental health knowledge in rural areas . Lack of awareness and communication channels are two of these factors. As a result, residents of these areas may lack access to critical mental health information, resulting in misunderstandings and misconceptions. Among these elements are: Due to a shortage of mental health professionals and resources, limited access to mental health services is a common issue in rural areas. Mental health stigma is prevalent in rural communities, contributing to underdiagnosis and undertreatment. Rural m

Use of Sports Psychology in improving Mental Fitness | Solh Wellness

  Sports psychology is the study of how psychological factors influence athletic performance, exercise, and physical activity. Sports psychology investigates how participating in athletic activity can improve one's health and well-being. Athletes can use psychology to improve their physical and mental health. Furthermore, sports psychology is useful not only for athletes but also for non-athletes. The advantages of sports psychology The field of sports psychology is vast, and there are numerous applications for it. The following are a few examples of how sports psychology is used. Improved Focus : This therapy focuses on tuning out outside distractions and concentrating on the present moment. This is handy, especially with athletes playing sports in front of a huge crowd. Deep breathing, being mindful, and paying attention to physical signals and feelings are standard techniques that can be utilized for this Goal. Becoming Mentally Strong: The phrase refers to the psychological tr

Are you suffering from Burnout? | Solh Wellness

  Burnout occurs when a person begins to accept numerous tasks without adequate planning and feels unable to complete them. In essence, office workers are affected by this issue. Don't let office work stress you out. Continuous workload steals calmness and leads to burnout. People must essentially exercise caution when it comes to this matter because ongoing burnout issues are extremely problematic in many ways. The most important problem with burnout is how it steals your creativity without you even realising it. Symptoms Of Burnout: Exhaustion Changing sour Poor attention span Lack of immunity Feeling useless No creativity Constant mood swings A decline in interest in gatherings Suicidal ideas Fatigue The Burnout Cycle Let's get a clearer understanding of the burnout cycle. Even a competent and effective employee will experience burnout if they do not practise proper self-care and keep accepting new responsibilities without making any sort of plan. Despite having sincere int

Who is an Extrovert/Introvert? | Solh Wellness

  Do you have any hidden traits that could indicate whether you are an extrovert or an introvert ? In general, there are two types of people in the world. a talkative person who enjoys being the centre of attention. Second, those who prefer to speak less and only converse with a select group of individuals. Extroverts and introverts are terms used by experts to describe people. Let's go over both of these personality traits in more detail. Who Are the Extroverts? Extroverts are those who exhibit an expressive behavioural pattern and engage in expressive social behaviour. They are expected to have a social, assertive, friendly, energetic, and excitement-seeking nature. They are known for making friends easily and for being enthusiastic and action-oriented. They find it difficult to spend time alone, according to studies. Usually, their risk-taking tendencies put them in challenging circumstances. A. Biological Causes: It is also believed that extroverted personalities are linked to

7 ways to Improve your Sleep Quality | Solh Wellness

  The quality of your sleep directly affects both your mental and physical health. If you miss the mark, it can have a negative impact on your weight, usefulness, emotional stability, and daytime energy. However, a large number of us frequently struggle in the evening to get the rest we require. Getting a good night's sleep may seem impossible when you're wide awake at three in the morning, but you have much more control over the quality of your sleep than you probably realise. The solution to sleep issues is frequently found in your daily routine, just as how you feel during the day is frequently influenced by how well you sleep at night. Your mood, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and weight can all be negatively impacted by unhealthful daytime behaviours and lifestyle decisions, which can keep you up at night tossing and turning. However, by experimenting with the suggestions provided, you can benefit from better sleep in the evening, improve you

How to deal with exam stress and anxiety as a student

  Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach before an exam? Everyone feels some anxiety before an exam; this anxiety is beneficial because it motivates you to work harder. However, even if you studied thoroughly and prepared thoroughly for the exam, you may find yourself blanking out on the simplest of questions. This is referred to as exam or test anxiety. Test anxiety is characterised by intense stress before, during, and occasionally after exams. It can lead to a drop in performance. Exam anxiety can sometimes be influenced by expectations from one's family, peers, or by one's own personality traits, such as perfectionism. Fear of failure, poor performance on a previous exam, and a lack of preparation can all contribute to test anxiety. Test anxiety symptoms may include:  - Shaking - Fast heart rate  - Dry mouth - Nausea  - Inability to concentrate - Going blank even after extensive study Diarrhea, fever, and stomach pains may also occur in some cases. How Do You Deal Wit

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) : Symptoms & Treatment | Solh Wellness

   OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterised by uncontrollable, recurring, distressing thoughts (obsessions) and/or ritualistic behaviours (compulsions). Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts that cause stress and anxiety. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can have a negative impact on your health and personal life. Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms emerge gradually, and the person experiences obsessions or compulsions. The symptoms may also interfere with normal life functioning, such as- Washing and cleaning your hands repeatedly Making certain that doors are always locked Counting in particular patterns Maintaining order by turning everything the same way Out loud repetition of a word, phrase, or prayer Obtaining assurance If you do not address your OCD as soon as possible, you may become uncomfortable in everyday situations, affecting your daily lifestyle and social interaction abilities. OCD can be overbearing, causing painful thoughts such