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Showing posts with the label Social Media

Solh Wellness: A Healthier Alternative of Social Media | Solh Wellness

Social media platforms have become an essential component of our everyday lives in the current era of technology. These platforms provide previously unheard-of options for communication and self-expression, allowing us to do everything from sharing our opinions and experiences with the world to interacting with friends and family. The effect of social media on mental health, however, is a complex subject that frequently goes unrecognized beneath the shiny exterior. Although social media promises community and connection, it can also have a negative impact on our mental health. The following are some ways that social media can impact mental health: Comparison Culture: The culture of comparison that social media promotes is one of the most important problems. Users frequently contrast their own life, physical features, and accomplishments with the edited and idealized representations of others they see online. Feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and low self-esteem can result from this co