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Showing posts with the label Children With Special Needs

Perspectives of Parents on dealing Children with Special Needs | Solh Wellness

  There are many children in the schools where inclusive education is focused,  of whom some are recommended to school counselors for professional help, as they have behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, bullying other students, and beating other students. When the parents of these children are called to schools to discuss their problems with them, they do not accept the fact that their children are showing inappropriate behaviors.  Parents who accept the fact that their children are suffering from behavioral issues, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and other childhood disorders will have positive perceptions and be able to take proper care of them. In contrast, parents who do not accept their child’s special needs have negative perspectives, such as embarrassment, withdrawal, and sometimes even rejection. Mental Distress in Parents Dealing with Children with Special Needs There are several factors that cause mental distress in parents who have children with specia