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Showing posts with the label Self-Care Routine for Mothers

A Guide to Creating a Self-Care Routine for Mothers | Solh Wellness

Being a mother is a joyful experience, but it can also be stressful owing to the numerous obligations that come with it. Mothers frequently find themselves juggling various duties, such as carer, breadwinner, and household manager, with little time for self-care. On the other hand, prioritizing self-care is critical for moms to manage stress and maintain good physical and mental health. This blog will highlight the significance of self-care for mothers and provide a step-by-step guide to developing a self-care practice. Sources of Stress for Mothers Mothers face a variety of stressors that can affect their mental and physical health. These stressors include parenting responsibilities, financial pressures, work-related stress, relationship issues, health concerns, and societal pressures. These stressors can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, mothers must recognize and address the sources of stress in their lives and seek support from partners, family members, friends,