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Showing posts with the label Boundaries as a counselor

How to maintain boundaries as a Counselor | Solh Wellness

Boundaries are essential for our emotional and mental well-being. They serve as safeguards, ensuring that we are respected, valued, and have a strong sense of self while creating good relationships. Healthy boundaries lessen the possibility of being taken advantage of or exploited, allowing us to set limits on our actions and commitments. Setting limits helps to reduce burnout and stress, supporting a better and more balanced lifestyle. Despite being aware of the importance of boundaries, counselors may overextend themselves when supporting clients, reducing the line between personal and professional life. With its emphasis on empathy and delving into deep emotions, the counseling profession can make it difficult for counselors to maintain rigid boundaries at all times. As a result, they may unintentionally allow personal emotions and experiences to influence their professional relationships with customers. Counselors must establish and maintain boundaries in order to safeguard their c