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Showing posts with the label Yoga Benefits

Yoga and its Benefits for Anger Management | Solh Wellness

International Yoga Day is observed on June 21. It was established in 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly to publicise the benefits of yoga practise and promote its wider adoption. The goal of the day is to raise awareness of the potential benefits of yoga in fostering global peace and harmony among individuals and communities as well as physical and mental well-being. On International Yoga Day, individuals participate in yoga classes, workshops, and events that are held all around the world to celebrate and enjoy yoga together. It serves as a reminder of how important it is to incorporate yoga into a daily routine in order to enhance general health and fitness. Yoga is a holistic discipline that incorporates physical postures, meditation techniques, and breathing techniques to improve overall wellbeing. Yoga can promote emotional balance in anger control, reduce stress, and aid in the development of self-awareness. By lowering stress levels, fostering emotional control, redirec