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Showing posts with the label Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Different Types of Psychotherapies: Exploring Your Options | Solh Wellness

Numerous psychological therapies provide useful strategies for overcoming daily obstacles when it comes to improving your mental health. These treatments, often known as talk therapies or psychotherapies, offer a framework for comprehending and controlling your ideas, feelings, and behaviors. Let's look at the various forms of psychological therapy that are offered: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) The focus of the popular therapy known as CBT is on recognizing and altering negative thought patterns. By identifying and dealing with these ideas, people can manage conditions like anxiety, melancholy, and stress efficiently. Through CBT, you are taught useful tools to change your negative thinking. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)   Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-promoting techniques are combined in DBT. Those who struggle with strong emotions, risky behavior, and interpersonal problems benefit the most from it. DBT teaches individuals how to control their feeli