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Showing posts with the label Deal With Stubbornness

How to deal with stubborn people? | Solh Wellness

  Dealing with obstinate people can be difficult, but it is important to remember that everyone has their own point of view and reasons for their actions. It is possible to navigate difficult situations and reach a resolution with some patience and understanding. Here are some tactics for dealing with Stubborn  people: Listen actively : Try to understand the other person's point of view by actively listening to what they have to say. To gain a better understanding of their feelings and motivations, pay attention to their words, tone, and body language. Demonstrate empathy : Demonstrate empathy for the other person's situation, even if you disagree with their behaviour. You can create a more positive and productive environment for resolving the issue by demonstrating understanding and compassion. Clear communication : When communicating with another person, be clear and concise. State your position and the reasons for it calmly and respectfully. Avoid accusatory or judgmental la

How to identify a stubborn person? | Solh Wellness

It can be difficult to deal with stubbornness in any circumstance. It can spark arguments and conflicts, making it challenging to find solutions. There are a few telltale signs you can look out for if you want to know how to spot a stubborn person. Stubbornness is a personality trait in which a person refuses to alter their viewpoints or their minds regarding decisions they have made. Those who have been subjected to emotional abuse may have a propensity for being stubborn when defending themselves from allegedly uncomfortable or abusive situations. This behaviour can be attributed to the person's coping strategy, which they developed as a means of defence against prior traumatic experiences. Typical indications of stubbornness include: - Failure to Change Even when presented with new information or facts, a person who is stubborn frequently refuses to change their mind. No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, they have a tendency to hold onto their beliefs. - Rigid