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Showing posts with the label mood and mental health

How Seasons can affect your Mood and Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Seasons have a significant influence on how we live, affecting our everyday activities, emotions, and habits. Each season has its own distinct charm and difficulties, from the vivacious energy of spring to the warm cosiness of winter. As the weather changes, some people may suffer changes in mood and mental health. Our mood and mental health can be significantly impacted by the seasons. The onset of a new season might make some people depressed, exhausted, and agitated.  Let's investigate the intriguing relationship between the changing of the seasons and our mental health to better understand how our mood and mental health are impacted. Spring: A Ray of Hope and Renewal In nature and within ourselves, springtime denotes a season of rebirth and regeneration. Serotonin, the brain chemical that causes happiness, can be raised and moods improved by the longer days and more sunlight exposure. People are frequently motivated and experience an increase in energy as a result of this phen