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Showing posts with the label authoritativeparenting

The long term effects of Parenting on the Mental Health

  Parenting styles are widely acknowledged as a significant factor in the development of a child's personality and behaviour. How parents interact with their children and provide guidance and support can have a significant impact on their emotional, cognitive, and social development. Developmental psychologists classify parenting styles into four categories. Each parenting style has distinct characteristics that can have an impact on the child's mental health and well-being . Different Parenting Styles Authoritative Parenting:  Authoritarian parenting is distinguished by warmth, responsiveness, communication, and the establishment of clear boundaries and expectations for children's behaviour. This parenting style gives children support and guidance while also encouraging independence and self-regulation. According to studies, children who grow up with authoritative parents have higher levels of self-esteem, academic achievement, and social competence. Authoritarian Parenti