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Showing posts with the label Prioritize Self-Care

Self-Care for Doctors: A Guide to Thriving in a High-Stress Profession | Solh Wellness

Medical professionals must put their own health first because their jobs are frequently demanding and stressful. Because they are under stress, doctors need to take care of themselves. One needs to take care of their physical, mental, and emotional needs in order to do their job as effectively as feasible. One self-care practise that doctors can engage in to maintain their energy levels, focus, and clinical judgement is exercise.  The danger of burnout, which affects many medical professionals, is decreased through self-care.  Setting limits, upholding a work-life balance, and placing value on leisure activities are all ways that doctors can reduce their risk of burnout and keep their passion for their careers alive. Self-care supports the maintenance of mental resilience because situations that emotionally drain medical personnel frequently occur.  Medical workers can benefit from counselling, self-examination, and meditation to process their emotions, develop coping skills, and keep