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Showing posts with the label Trauma Bond Relationships

Discovering Trauma Bond Relationships | Solh Wellness

  Trauma is defined as anything that exceeds the brain's ability to cope. It is an intense emotional or psychological reaction to specific events. You are trauma bonded if you feel as if you are losing your sense of self and becoming disoriented. You may also turn away helpful people because you are afraid and believe no one understands you or your life. Trauma bonds are just as addictive as drugs. The person who makes you feel low is also capable of making you feel high. One person abuses, while the other fears detachment. Trauma bonds can form not only between romantic partners, but also between family members, friends, and even coworkers. Understanding trauma bonding - identifying abusive and distressing relationships with brief positive reinforcement - is important for understanding why people have difficulty leaving painful relationships. Symptoms and Signs of Trauma Bonding Not all abusive situations qualify as trauma bonding . There is a process for determining whether it is