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Showing posts with the label Bipolar Coping

World Bipolar Disorder Day: Fighting the Stigma and Coping with it | Solh Wellness

  Every year on March 30th, World Bipolar Disorder Day is celebrated to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with bipolar disorder. The goal of the day is also to raise public awareness and education about this complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. This day commemorates the birth of Vincent Van Gogh, a well-known artist who suffered from the same condition. Bipolar Disorder Stigmas Patients with bipolar disorder are frequently stereotyped as being unable to function in society, aggressive, and violent. Effective treatment, on the other hand, can allow people with bipolar disorder to live full lives, maintain relationships, and work. While manic episodes can cause agitation and impulsive behaviour, people with bipolar disorder are more likely to harm themselves than others. Unfortunately, people with bipolar disorder are frequently subjected to teasing, bullying, and unfair treatment, limiting their social opportunities. Why is Bipolar Di

How to support loved ones with Bipolar Disorder | Solh Wellness

  A person's life is significantly impacted by the mental health condition known as bipolar disorder. The key characteristics of this disorder include abrupt changes in mood, energy level, and behaviour. People can manage their symptoms and enhance their overall wellbeing with the assistance of family, friends, and mental health specialists. You can get support in many different ways, including counselling, medication management, useful help, emotional support, and more. Those who might otherwise feel alone or misunderstood can benefit greatly from the sense of community and understanding that bipolar disorder support groups can provide. Bipolar disorder patient assistance There are numerous ways to support those who have bipolar disorder. Educating yourself about the condition and how it impacts your loved one should be your first step. By acknowledging and approving of their feelings, you can also provide emotional support. Your loved one can become self-reliant in managing thei

Managing Bipolar Disorder at the Workplace | Solh Wellness

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterised by extreme mood swings between manic episodes of high energy, enthusiasm, and euphoria and depressive episodes of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. These episodes can vary in duration and intensity and significantly impact a person's daily functioning. Types of Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder symptoms include increased activity levels, racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, and impulsive behavior. There are 3 types of disorders: Bipolar I - is marked by at least one manic episode that lasts for a week or more. Bipolar II - includes at least one hypomanic episode & one depressive episode. Cyclothymic disorder is a milder form of bipolar disorder characterised by periods of hypomania and depression lasting at least two years. Bipolar Disorder in the Workplace  Bipolar Disorder and Job Performance: People with bipolar disorder often face unique challenges in the workplace. Stressful work environments and unpredic