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Showing posts with the label Mental Wellness

Role of Physical Activity and Sports in Mental Health | Solh Wellness

  Even though mental health is completely different in nature than physical activity, there is a big correlation between them. Your mental health improves as you engage in more sports. Numerous studies have shown that people who engage in sports and physical activity on a regular basis enjoy higher standards of living and greater levels of tranquillity. There are various types of benefits in the mental health of an individual if the physical regime is followed properly: Anxiety and Stress Reduction A regular exercise routine can help reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and other common recurring diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The ability of exercise to promote the formation of new neurons benefits the hippocampus and other important brain regions. Increased neurogenesis may help to calm the brain in stressful situations. ADHD is an acronym for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Exercise can help children with ADHD improve their brain function. Physical a

Solh Talks : Season 1 | Leading Ladies | Solh Wellness

Mental health stigma and discrimination persist in our society, creating significant barriers for people seeking help or support for their mental health. It can make people feel ashamed and isolated, worsening their mental health problems. By providing an AI-driven, non-judgmental, safe space for people to express themselves and seek help to prevent clinically diagnosed mental disorders, we hope to make mental health support affordable, 24x7 accessible, personalised, and accepted worldwide. So, whether you have mental health problems or want to learn how to support someone who does, we encourage you to watch this video and participate in the discussion. Remember that you are not alone and that assistance is available. Let us all work together to put an end to stigma and discrimination against people who suffer from mental illnesses. We'll be speaking with a diverse group of women who have defied societal norms and carved out their own paths to success, from athletes to artists, ent

Effects of Parental Pressure | Solh Wellness

In our society, academic excellence is highly regarded. When someone doesn't perform up to expectations, they frequently receive harsh criticism, which makes them question their skills and intelligence. Parents constantly push their children to their limits in order for them to succeed in life and build a bright future in today's fiercely competitive world. On the other hand, the immense pressure placed on students hinders their development and learning while also making them more stressed and anxious. Parental pressure: Although it may have good intentions, parental pressure has the potential to damage a child's sense of self. This pressure can have negative effects when kids think that each homework assignment will make or break their future or that each soccer match will determine whether they get a college scholarship. Parental pressure, an emotional strain parents put on their kids, is frequently linked to things like academic achievement, upholding cultural and social

7 ways to Improve your Sleep Quality | Solh Wellness

  The quality of your sleep directly affects both your mental and physical health. If you miss the mark, it can have a negative impact on your weight, usefulness, emotional stability, and daytime energy. However, a large number of us frequently struggle in the evening to get the rest we require. Getting a good night's sleep may seem impossible when you're wide awake at three in the morning, but you have much more control over the quality of your sleep than you probably realise. The solution to sleep issues is frequently found in your daily routine, just as how you feel during the day is frequently influenced by how well you sleep at night. Your mood, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and weight can all be negatively impacted by unhealthful daytime behaviours and lifestyle decisions, which can keep you up at night tossing and turning. However, by experimenting with the suggestions provided, you can benefit from better sleep in the evening, improve you