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Showing posts with the label Effects Of Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Withdrawal Management | Solh Wellness

Drug addiction, often known as substance use disorder, is a chronic illness characterised by compulsive drug use, even when doing so has negative consequences. It is a complex brain condition that affects behaviour, cognition, and daily functioning.  Drug addiction typically includes the following elements: Excessive substance-seeking: A person who seeks substances excessively has a great need to obtain them and use them, frequently prioritising their drug use over other important aspects of their lives. Lack of regulation: Despite being aware of the risks associated with their drug use, the individual finds it difficult to control or limit their use. Physical dependence : Long-term drug usage can cause the body to develop a tolerance to the drug's effects and depend on it for normal function. Symptoms of withdrawal may appear if drug use is abruptly discontinued or reduced. Tolerance: The body may develop accustomed to a drug after frequent use, requiring higher dosages to get th