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Showing posts with the label benefits of laughter

The Benefits of Laughter in Mental Health | Solh Wellness

Everyone on Earth understands the universal language of laughter. Laughter, on the other hand, has been shown over time to improve an individual's mental health. Daily laughter has been shown to help with the treatment of common mental illnesses such as stress and anxiety.  The Short and Long-Term Effects of Laughter  Laughter not only helps with mental health disorders, but it also has other health benefits. Laughter has numerous long-term and short-term benefits, including the following:  Laughter has the following immediate benefits:  It alleviates stress and anxiety. Encourages a positive attitude as well as feelings of happiness and well-being. As pain tolerance grows, temporary pain relief is provided. It boosts immunity by stimulating antibody production and activating immune cells. It improves cognitive function by increasing blood flow and oxygenation. Among the numerous long-term benefits of laughter are: It lowers the risk of depression and anxiety by increasing positive