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Self-Care as a Preventive Measure for Mental Health: Ideas and Practices | Solh Wellness

Self-care is essential for preserving psychological wellbeing and avoiding mental health problems. It entails making conscious decisions to enhance your overall health—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Self-care does not equate to selfishness or self-indulgence. In order to remain healthy, you must practice self-care.  As self-care has gained popularity, its meanings have begun to emphasize on one's overall wellbeing and on recognizing and attending to their own needs. Anything you do for you that feels nutritious is considered self-care. Taking care of oneself involves regularly assessing physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. People practice self-care for various reasons, such as coping with distressing news or maintaining daily happiness. Self-care is unique to each individual, as people adopt different practices, and their definition of self-care may evolve over time. Types of Self-care There are various types of self care that can be divided into a few different types