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Showing posts with the label Stages of Grief

Grief Management Tips for Caregivers | Solh Wellness

  Caregivers provide assistance to family members who are unable to care for themselves due to illness, disability, or ageing. They support their loved ones, such as spouses, adult children, siblings, or other relatives, emotionally, physically, and financially. While being a carer can be rewarding, it can also be difficult and stressful. Grief is an aspect of most carers' jobs. For a long time, carers' mental health and how they cope with grief have been neglected. Grief is a natural reaction to loss, such as the death of a loved one or a severe and long-term illness, but long-term sadness can have a serious negative impact on mental health. Caregivers can experience two types of grief:  Anticipatory grief during their loved one's illness Post-mortem grief Grief's Stages Psychologists have identified the stages of grief that most people go through over the years. A person goes through five stages of grief in general, and understanding these stages can help carers un