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Showing posts with the label Mental Health Issues

Debunking 7 Common Myths About Therapy | Solh Wellness

  The critical need for mental health awareness stems from the fact that each year, 13% of children, 46% of teenagers, and 19% of adults have mental diseases. People in your own family, your neighbors, classmates, professors, or coworkers in the cubicle next to you might be going through these difficulties. Tragically, barely half of those affected actively seek help, frequently because mental health still has a stigma. These problems, if untreated, can lead to higher medical costs, worse academic and professional performance, less employment possibilities, and a higher risk of suicide. Even though therapy has been shown to be a successful method for treating mental health problems, there are still misconceptions about it. In this article, we'll refute some of the myths about therapy that are most commonly held while highlighting its advantages and practical applications. . The following are some widespread misconceptions about mental health therapy: Myth 1: Therapy is Only for &qu

Misconceptions about Mental Health | Solh Wellness

For a very long time, people have been embarrassed to talk about their challenges with mental diseases and mental health problems or to ask for treatment. Many myths and misconceptions about mental diseases have spread as a result of exaggerated media portrayal. Despite significant progress in the fight against stigma, there are still many widely held myths about mental illnesses that could prevent people from getting the assistance they require. These untrue assertions might be harmful in a number of different ways. Because they are terrified of being criticised, they promote erroneous views that discourage individuals from seeking help. Because they have unrealistic expectations about the kind of therapy they will receive, some people may decide not to seek therapy, which would force them to suffer in silence and possibly make their problems worse. Let's debunk some of these common mental health misconceptions : Myth 1: Mental illnesses are not frequently found ailments. Contrary

Overcoming Barriers To Seeking Therapy | Solh Wellness

In today's hectic, demanding world, receiving therapy is becoming an increasingly important component of maintaining mental and emotional health. However, there are still a number of obstacles standing in the way of people getting the assistance they require. Many of these obstacles are caused by widespread misunderstandings about treatment.  In order to promote a more welcoming and supportive environment for seeking therapy, we'll examine some of the most widespread myths about therapy in this blog article and discuss how to debunk them. Misconception 1: Therapy is only for people with severe mental illness. One of the most pervasive myths about therapy is that only people with severe mental problems should use it. But not everyone who needs counselling has a serious ailment. Therapy may be helpful for anyone looking to improve themselves or who is dealing with stress, relationships, sorrow, or low self-esteem. No matter how challenging the circumstance, it is a helpful tool

Somatic Symptom Disorder: How to Communicate the Diagnosis Effectively | Solh Wellness

Severe physical symptoms without any discernible medical cause are the hallmark of somatic symptom disorder (SSD). SSD patients include discomfort, gastrointestinal issues, neurological symptoms, tiredness, heart and lung issues, cognitive difficulties, and aberrant sleep patterns. There is no recognised medical cause for these symptoms despite thorough medical tests. SSD is different from intentionally pretending to be ill or malingering to gain an advantage. It is a legitimate condition that people need to be aware of and get treatment for in order to manage their symptoms and improve their overall wellbeing. Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD) sufferers frequently speak with their neighbourhood doctors to better comprehend their affliction. The underlying cause is determined by a variety of screening tests, but when the results are unclear, doctors may diagnose SSD. However, due to the stigma surrounding mental health conditions, sharing this diagnosis can be difficult. As a result, some

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health of Young Adults | Solh Wellness

Social media is increasingly taking over our lives and providing us with a new mirror through which to view the world. It gives us information, keeps us connected, and has become crucial for professional advancement. As much as we appreciate its advantages, we must also be aware of the significant negative consequences it can have on our mental health, especially in young adults.  Important problems with social media use: The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is one of the most pervasive problems with social media. We frequently worry that we will miss out on pleasurable activities or significant events that are shared on social media. Seeing our friends' posts about events, trips, or social gatherings might make us feel inadequate, lonely, or afraid we won't live up to society expectations. It's critical to keep in mind that social media only shows the highlights of people's lives, not the entirety of them. Social media sites commonly showcase people's accomplishments, tr

Nurturing Mental Health: The Hidden Battle of Young Entrepreneurs | Solh Wellness

Entrepreneurship is frequently portrayed as an exciting journey filled with innovation and success. However, behind the scenes, entrepreneurs face unique challenges that have an impact on their mental health. In this blog, we will look at the various mental health issues that entrepreneurs face and offer strategies to help them prioritise self-care and maintain a healthier approach to their mental health. Entrepreneurs face mental health issues. Anxiety can be exacerbated by the dynamic nature of entrepreneurship, as well as financial pressures and critical decision-making. Young entrepreneurs may also experience anxiety disorders due to their fear of failure and perfectionism.  Depression: The stressful, long-hours, and isolating nature of entrepreneurship can increase the risk of depression among entrepreneurs . Overwhelming feelings, self-doubt, and unmet goals can all contribute to depressive symptoms. Burnout: The never-ending pursuit of success without adequate self-care can lead

Promoting Mental Health in Rural Communities | Solh Wellness

Many parts of our country regard mental health education as a taboo subject, which can make people feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help. This is especially true in rural areas where primary education and awareness are scarce. As a result, it can be extremely difficult for people in these communities to gain proper knowledge and understanding of mental health. Why is there a mental health knowledge gap in rural areas? Multiple factors influence the reach of mental health knowledge in rural areas . Lack of awareness and communication channels are two of these factors. As a result, residents of these areas may lack access to critical mental health information, resulting in misunderstandings and misconceptions. Among these elements are: Due to a shortage of mental health professionals and resources, limited access to mental health services is a common issue in rural areas. Mental health stigma is prevalent in rural communities, contributing to underdiagnosis and undertreatment. Rural m

Mental Health of Women during Pregnancy: Signs and Treatment | Solh Wellness

Pregnancy can be a challenging experience, and it is not uncommon for women to encounter anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues during this time. Taking care of one's mental health during pregnancy is essential for the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Women need to prioritise their mental health during these times, as it can directly affect their infant's health. Common Mental Health Issues During Pregnancy Pregnancy is a time filled with a range of positive and negative emotions. It is common for women to experience worry, especially during their first or unplanned pregnancy, or if they are dealing with depression or anxiety. The physical and hormonal changes that come with pregnancy and the stress of antenatal assessments can also contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Other mental health issues that women may face during pregnancy include: Bipolar disorder, which involves episodes of low-energy depression and high-energy mania. Panic attacks, w

Eating Disorder: A Threat To Life | Solh Wellness

Unconsciously, we frequently engage in unhealthy behaviours like emotional and binge eating. Sometimes we become so enmeshed in this cycle of anxiety and binge-eating that we lose sight of such unhealthy routines. Not to mention the enormous harm these communities that idolise thinness and enforce diets have inflicted upon us. These traditional notions of beauty can occasionally push people to engage in risky behaviours in an effort to obtain a certain body type. The majority of people lose sight of all the harmful effects of binge eating and the obsession with achieving a certain body type. This necessitates a pressing need to comprehend the fundamentals and in-depth familiarity with unhealthy eating patterns and eating disorders. What if you believe that the cause of your eating disorder is simply a strict diet or binge-eating episodes? Uncontrollable eating behaviours that are detrimental to your health, emotions, and capacity to carry out daily tasks are the root cause of eating di