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Showing posts with the label Student Mental Health

The Role Of Teachers In Fostering Mental Health For Kids | Solh Wellness

  It is essential to concentrate on mental health within educational institutions since it not only enhances students' current wellbeing but also establishes the foundation for their future success. Students who are in good mental health perform better academically, have higher self-esteem, and have more solid interpersonal relationships. Additionally, promoting mental health in schools fosters a welcoming and safe environment that gives children more confidence to ask for assistance when they need it. The improvement of students' mental health depends heavily on teachers. They are uniquely qualified to assist because of their frequent interactions and thorough understanding of students' situations. By creating a positive learning environment in the classroom, teachers can help children develop a sense of identity, emotional stability, and trust. They can offer guidance, lend a sympathetic ear, and help kids get past challenges. Here are some ways that educators can support