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Showing posts with the label impact of hypertension

Hypertension and its harmful effects on Mental Health | Solh Wellness

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is becoming a more common mental health disorder throughout the world. It has a direct effect on the body's arteries and is a major cause of cardiac arrest in humans.  Several studies have also found that certain factors or conditions linked to high blood pressure can increase the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. Individuals who have hypertension, depression, or financial difficulties, for example, are more vulnerable to cognitive difficulties. Dementia and High Blood Pressure Dementia is typically caused by a combination of brain-damaging factors, with strokes and Alzheimer's disease being common contributors to cognitive decline. Lowering blood pressure is important in lowering the risk of dementia because it reduces the likelihood of strokes, which can lead to cognitive impairment.  It is important to note that these strokes, while often minor and unnoticed, can add up. Having multiple small strokes or a few larger o